2016年 09月 09日
Eachine Micro 32bits F3 Brushed Flight Control Boardが届いたら新型出てるし、さらにNAZE版も出てるし、それを使った組み立てキットも出てるしでね~付いているカメラは高解像度版だし~
(まあ時代はデジタル綺麗だよね~ ということでアナログカメラ乱れやすいよね~にあまり手を出す(お金を使う)のは勿体無いで手を出さんけど)
Micro 32bits F3 Brushed Flight Control Board Based On SP RACING F3 EVO Brush For QX90 QX80 Micro FPV Frame
Before applying power, pay attention to the battery voltage selection.
The default shipping is 1S (4.2V); When using 2S, first need to disconnect the short contacts 1S, and then put the two pads on the 2S.
Prohibit shorted together the three pads at the same time.
Receiver configuration:
1. DSM receiver soldered directly to the DSM interface 3.3V, GND, RX3, CF software configuration UART3.
2. PPM and SBUS receiver welded to the UART2 GND, + 5V, RX2, SBUS signal in the CF software configuration UART2.